Source code for gen_unix_domain_socket

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

     Copyright (C) 2018 Vladimir Roncevic <>
     gen_unix_domain_socket is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
     by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.
     gen_unix_domain_socket is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     See the GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     with this program. If not, see <>.
     Defined class GenUnixDomainSocket with attribute(s) and method(s).
     Load a base info, create an CLI interface and run operation(s).

import sys
from os.path import exists

    from pathlib import Path
    from import UnixDomainSocket
    from ats_utilities.logging import ATSLogger
    from ats_utilities.cli.cfg_cli import CfgCLI
    from ats_utilities.cooperative import CooperativeMeta
    from ats_utilities.console_io.error import error_message
    from ats_utilities.console_io.verbose import verbose_message
    from ats_utilities.console_io.success import success_message
except ImportError as ats_error_message:
    MESSAGE = '\n{0}\n{1}\n'.format(__file__, ats_error_message)
    sys.exit(MESSAGE)  # Force close python ATS ##############################

__author__ = 'Vladimir Roncevic'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018,'
__credits__ = ['Vladimir Roncevic']
__license__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0.2'
__maintainer__ = 'Vladimir Roncevic'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Updated'

[docs]class GenUnixDomainSocket(CfgCLI): ''' Defined class GenUnixDomainSocket with attribute(s) and method(s). Load a base info, create an CLI interface and run operation(s). It defines: :attributes: | __metaclass__ - setting cooperative metaclasses. | GEN_VERBOSE - console text indicator for process-phase. | CONFIG - tool info file path. | LOG - tool log file path. | OPS - list of tool options. | logger - logger object API. :methods: | __init__ - initial constructor. | process - process and run operation. | __str__ - dunder method for GenUnixDomainSocket. ''' __metaclass__ = CooperativeMeta GEN_VERBOSE = 'GEN_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET' CONFIG = '/conf/gen_unix_domain_socket.cfg' LOG = '/log/gen_unix_domain_socket.log' OPS = ['-g', '--gen', '-v', '--verbose', '--version'] def __init__(self, verbose=False): ''' Initial constructor. :param verbose: enable/disable verbose option. :type verbose: <bool> :exceptions: None ''' current_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent base_info = '{0}{1}'.format(current_dir, GenUnixDomainSocket.CONFIG) CfgCLI.__init__(self, base_info, verbose=verbose) verbose_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, verbose, 'init tool info' ) self.logger = ATSLogger( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE.lower(), '{0}{1}'.format(current_dir, GenUnixDomainSocket.LOG), verbose=verbose ) if self.tool_operational: self.add_new_option( GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS[0], GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS[1], dest='gen', help='generate unix domain modules' ) self.add_new_option( GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS[2], GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS[3], action='store_true', default=False, help='activate verbose mode for generation' ) self.add_new_option( GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS[4], action='version', version=__version__ )
[docs] def process(self, verbose=False): ''' Process and run operation. :param verbose: enable/disable verbose option. :type verbose: <bool> :return: boolean status, True (success) | False. :rtype: <bool> :exceptions: None ''' status = False if self.tool_operational: num_of_args_sys = len(sys.argv) if num_of_args_sys > 1: operation = sys.argv[1] if operation not in GenUnixDomainSocket.OPS: sys.argv.append('-h') else: sys.argv.append('-h') args = self.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) pro_exists = exists(getattr(args, 'gen')) if not pro_exists: if bool(getattr(args, 'gen')): print( '{0} {1} [{2}]'.format( '[{0}]'.format( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE.lower() ), 'generating', getattr(args, 'gen') ) ) generator = UnixDomainSocket(verbose=verbose) status = generator.gen_setup( getattr(args, 'gen'), verbose ) if status: success_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, 'done\n' ) self.logger.write_log( '{0} {1} done'.format( 'generating unix domain modules for', getattr(args, 'gen') ), ATSLogger.ATS_INFO ) else: error_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, 'generation failed' ) self.logger.write_log( 'generation failed', ATSLogger.ATS_ERROR ) else: error_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, 'provide project name' ) self.logger.write_log( 'provide project name', ATSLogger.ATS_ERROR ) else: error_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, 'project already exist' ) self.logger.write_log( 'project already exist', ATSLogger.ATS_ERROR ) else: error_message( GenUnixDomainSocket.GEN_VERBOSE, 'tool is not operational' ) self.logger.write_log( 'tool is not operational', ATSLogger.ATS_ERROR ) return status
def __str__(self): ''' Dunder method for GenUnixDomainSocket. :return: object in a human-readable format. :rtype: <str> :exceptions: None ''' return '{0} ({1}, {2})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, CfgCLI.__str__(self), str(self.logger) )